Studying philosophy has brought for me seduction and self love instead of intellectuality and wisdom! After reading some philosophy books and thinking a lot about philosophy of life, Now I've lost all of my life! I think that daily actions of my friends and their thoughts are useless and meaningless in compare with philosophic thoughts. In my idea, it's time wasting to study university lessons and just go around like others. I also see myself in higher degree than my friends and able to understand what they don't catch at all! After all, I have many problems in my daily life, friendship and in university, maybe because of thinking in this way ...
The questions that philosophers consider seem to me to be some of themost important questions there are, and so any answers that we get tothese questions are themselves extremely valuable. Some of the answersand arguments that philosophers have offered in response to thesequestions have themselves been extraordinarily insightful andwonderful, and so for this reason, too, of significant value tous. Besides, it’s just fun to think about philosophical questions. Itdoesn’t, however, follow from these observations that nothing else isof value or even of comparable, if not more significant, value. I thinkthat one of the most important questions that philosophers ask is:“What has value?” However, it seems to me (and to many otherphilosophers) that the best answer to this philosophical question isthat there are many things of very significant value– e.g., otherpeople, their welfare, friendship, nature, understanding ofnon-philosophical matters, beauty–none of which philosophy by itselfprovides. I would bet...
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