philosophy is a mind opener to me personally, thats is talking in respect as subject in school. but i would like to know if their reasons why other people think this subject is foolish?, please be sincere
Interesting! I think to answer your question one would need to distinguish philosophy as an institution (recognized professors and associations designated as philosophical) and the practice of philosophy at large. In terms of the latter, I suggest "philosophy" is inescapable, so even those who think "philosophy" is foolish only do so because what they think of as philosophy is pointless from the standpoint of their own philosophy. In this sense, having a philosophy is simply to have a view of the world and values. But in terms of the institutional life of what is considered philosophy, there have been some able critics. Marx complained that philosophers only talk about the world, whereas he (and other activists) try to change the world. The poet William Blake thought that much of philosophy involves vanity and some of those who are considered great philosophers like Wittgenstein have condemned much of the history of philosophy as a matter of self-inflicted be-whichment. In all this, however, you...
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